mailbox    ©Bernadette Goureau

for general information: contact(at)
for the online shop: shop(at)

Books on the Move
43 rue des Douves, 33800 Bordeaux – France
telephone: +33 (0)6 84 89 73 82

Agnès Benoit: agnes.benoit(at) Tel: +33 (0)6 65 15 53 43
Stéphanie Pichon: stephanie.pichon(at) Tel: +33 (0)6 38 75 64 90

Bank information
Name of the account: Association Books on the Move
Account number: 06021157449
Name of bank: Banque Populaire
Bank’s address: 99 Cours de la Marne, 33000 Bordeaux – France
IBAN: FR76 1090 7000 6606 0211 5744 991

To make payment via PayPal: shop(at)

Association Loi 1901
n°SIRET: 799 297 502 00020
APE: 4761Z
TVA intracommunautaire: FR 41 799297502
EORI: FR 799 297 502 000 20