Embodied Lives

Authors: Katya Bloom, Margit Galanter and Sandra Reeve
Publisher: Triarchy Press (2014)

Softcover: 336 pages
Language: English
ISBN13: 978-1-909470-32-3

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Since the mid-80s, Prapto’s moving/dancing has inspired many thousands of people in the West, and many more in his native Java, who have witnessed, worked with or been otherwise influenced by his Amerta Movement practice.

But what is this non-stylised Amerta Movement practice? And what is it about Prapto’s work that so touches the lives of therapists, artists, musicians, dancers, teachers, performers, monastics and laypeople from all walks of life?

To answer these questions, this new book brings together the experiences of 30 movement practitioners from Indonesia, Europe, North and South America and Australasia. As their chapters show, their personal and professional lives have all been affected by their long-term studies and interactions with Prapto.

The common denominator for all the authors is the exploration of their own movement as a way of deepening their connection to themselves, to each other and, at the same time, to their respective worlds.

These chapters all also share the potency that comes from writing from lived experience, rather than writing about something with distance.