Medium Score – Tectonic friendship

AUTHOR: edited by Lilia Mestre
PUBLISHER: a.pass (2018)

HARDCOVER: 24 pages

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This publication presents the Scorescapes research- scores as a pedagogical tool – by Lilia Mestre as well as the End-Communications of six a.pass researchers.

Medium Score builds on the previous iterations of scores as tools to practice dialogue and intersubjective formats for exchange in artistic research. Before nishing the a.pass program in May 2018, the six researchers Luisa Fillitz, Esther Rodriguez-Barbero Granado, Eunkyung Jeong, Marialena Marouda, Ekaterina Kaplunova and Shervin Kiarnesi Haghighi worked for a month and a half in an adapted Writing Score to produce this publication.